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It is 6 years old and the 34,105 relates to approved persons rather than actual RI's with mortgage permissions. Approved persons doesn't mean Registered Individuals/advisers, it relates to any person/function requiring approval. The register did not have the facility to isolate the RI's/advisers holding mortgage permissions in 2018, so difficult to compare this data with current.

FCA produce a data sheet on full RMAR returns across the whole FS market, but only every two years, the last one being 2022, hopefully one will be produced this year. However, they don't share the DA and AR split unfortunately, may be they will read this and produce something ðŸ¤” 😂  

From the last data produced (2022), the count of total advisers holding mortgage permissions, whether they are using them or not, was 36,411. 



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