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International PMI Breakfast Briefing

Time and date: 03 December 2014
Location: Incisive Auditorium, London.
Organiser: Cover
Website: Click here

FULL AGENDA - presentation topics:

The challenges of being an expat

The world has changed - an insight into the difficulties facing expatriates and insurers - with insights from Aviva's forthcoming Relocations Report

Teresa Rogers, head of international, Aviva Health

Working with overseas doctors - the importance of clinician to clinician dialogue in helping to manage treatment plans and cost

Dr Hugh Laing, chief medical officer, Aviva Health

The intricacies of evacuation and repatriation - a deep dive into what is involved and how complex it can get

Dr Ryan Copeland, regional medical director, International SOS


08.20-09.00 Registration & networking breakfast
09.05-09.30 Teresa Rogers, head of international, Aviva Health
09.30-09.45 Dr Hugh Laing, chief medical officer, Aviva Health
09.45-10.05 Dr Ryan Copeland, regional medical director, International SOS
10.05-10.20 Q&A Session
10.20-10.25 Closing remarks by Fiona Murphy, editor, COVER