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Access Protection Academy entrants double in 2024

16 April 2024

Enrolments at Access Protection Academy, run by mortgage and protection firm Access Financial Services, have doubled since 2023.

14 months after the appointment of Peter Phillips as training manager in February 2023, the number of trainee protection and mortgage advisers enrolled at Access Academy has doubled from 10 to 20 people a month.

For newcomers to the industry, trainees start out learning about the protection market and products, as well as how to sell and manage clients professionally, in accordance with Consumer Duty rules. This includes, for example, how to spot a potentially vulnerable customer.

About 12 months after having reached Competent Adviser Status (CAS), some trainees may choose to take Certificates in Mortgage Advice (CeMAPs) 1, 2 and 3 at Access Mortgage Academy. There, they will learn the fundamentals required to advise on mortgages, while studying the financial services environment and UK financial regulations.

Karl Wilkinson, CEO at Access FS, said: “Training is at the heart of our business. In the past year, we have also set up management and personal development courses, and expanded our training and competency department.

“We want to make sure that our advisers develop the competence and confidence to approach customers with a wide product offering and financial advice that meets each customer’s individual requirements.

“Our ‘excellent’ Trustpilot score is 5/5 with 486 reviews, and I would attribute a significant proportion of merit to our excellent training and mentoring programmes.”

Access FS advises on a broad range of mainstream and specialist mortgages, including equity release and later life lending, as well as commercial lending including bridging, development loans and buy-to-let (specialist and portfolio). They also advise on all elements of protection and general insurance, with a number of specialist protection-only advisers.