You are here: cherry > Press releases for November 2014 > PERSONAL TOUCH GIVES MEMBERS ONLINE CLIENT FEEDBACK SERVICE ‘INSIGHT’


17 November 2014

Personal Touch Financial Services today announced the launch of ‘Insight’ – a free online service which will allow member firms to gather customer feedback to help them continuously improve the service they provide to clients as part of the focus on TCF principles.

The new service has been piloted over the last few months with a group of Personal Touch members to ensure it adds maximum value to their businesses and integrates smoothly into their sales and advice process.  Every fortnight the adviser firms receive an automated report with anonymous, aggregated feedback broken down at individual adviser as well as at firm level.  The data is presented in a colourful and clear chart format enabling easy interpretation and providing lots of useful management information for targeted marketing and client communications.

David Carrington, marketing director at Personal Touch, explains:

“The FCA expects firms to know how advisers interact with clients during the advice process and our new Insight service gives members a fully automated solution to help them manage this process. Each of the client feedback questions are designed to provide our members with clear evidence as to whether they are achieving the level of TCF that would be expected within their business and it will also allow principals to identify if any of the outcomes aren’t being achieved to the required level so they can address the problem quickly and rectify it.

“In the piloting of the new Insight service many firms received over 20% response rates from clients, which is exceptionally high by any direct marketing standard.  This clearly demonstrates the benefits that clients feel from being more involved in their advice process and their enthusiasm to be involved in the growth and development of their adviser firm.”

Ellen Roome, principal of Personal Touch member firm, ‘The Finance Roome’ explained why the new service would be welcomed by them:

“Particularly at times when you are very busy with day to day matters, having time to put together client surveys or indeed just to collate feedback can be extremely difficult.  The new Insight service will be invaluable to us as it takes away all the manual resource needed and just gives us all the information we need in one easy to understand report - so we can see instantly any areas of weakness that might need improvement and of course, which areas we are doing really well in and should maybe extend.  It’s like having our own research agency at our fingertips and even better as we don’t pay any extra to have it.”